Historic Paramount Theatre Renovation & Expansion

Historic Paramount Theatre Renovation & Expansion

from $25.00
Donation to Austin Area Arts "Austin Area Arts" logo featuring a stylized swirl in red, yellow, and blue next to the organization's name in dark blue text.

Donation to Austin Area Arts

from $5.00
Contribute to the Austin ArtWorks Festival Outdoor art festival scene with a bearded artist in a colorful star-patterned shirt drawing on a black canvas, while a young girl in a blue dress watches.

Contribute to the Austin ArtWorks Festival

from $25.00
Austin Area Arts Monthly Membership

Austin Area Arts Monthly Membership

from $5.00 every month
Austin Area Arts Annual Membership

Austin Area Arts Annual Membership

from $60.00
ArtRocks Open Jam Donation

ArtRocks Open Jam Donation

from $20.00
Your Message on the Paramount Marquee

Your Message on the Paramount Marquee

from $25.00
Artist Annual Retail Fee

Artist Annual Retail Fee

Gift Certificate

Gift Certificate

from $25.00